What We Treat

Orthopaedic Conditions

Musculoskeletal Conditions, Orthopedics & Sports Injuries:

Musculoskeletal/sports-related injuries include injuries related to bones, muscles with their related tendons, joint structures such as ligaments and menisci. Injuries may cause impairments such as pain, inflammation, restricted movement, joint instability, or muscle weakness.

General Conditions


Degenerative joint disease (DJD); progressive destruction of articular cartilage and the formation of bone at the margin of the joint.


A group of disorders, which have as their common denominator, a reduction of bone mass per unit of bone volume.


Chronic muscle pain syndrome with no known cause or cure. It is considered a state of "inflammation of the soft tissue" and can cause body and muscle aches, often accompanied by overwhelming fatigue and sometimes pelvic pain; symptoms may wax and wane with no discernible cause.

TMJ Dysfunction:

Inflammation in the joint of the jaw, which may lead to difficulty opening the mouth fully, facial and jaw pain, and/or neck and head pain; other symptoms include headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, and nausea.

Shoulder Injuries

  • Rotator cuff tear (operative or non-operative)
  • Dislocation
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tendinitis
  • Fracture
  • Shoulder impingement syndrome
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • SLAP tear or labral tears/repairs
  • Arthritis

Elbow Injuries

  • Golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis)
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Sprain/strain (conservative or postoperative)
  • Fracture
  • Bursitis
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • SLAP tear or labral tears/repairs
  • Arthritis

Wrist Injuries

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sprain/strain (conservative or postoperative)
  • Fracture
  • Tendinitis

Hip Conditions

  • Labral tears (anterior/posterior)
  • Bursitis
  • IT band tightness/syndrome
  • Tendinitis
  • Total hip replacement/osteoarthritis
  • Groin strains

Ankle Injuries

  • Achilles' tendinitis (Achilles' heel)
  • Peroneal tendonitis
  • Sprain/strain (conservative or postoperative)
  • Fracture
  • Shin Splints
  • Calf strains
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Foot/Toe Injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)
  • Bunionectomies
  • Fracture
  • Tendinitis